Thursday, September 27, 2012

Midterm Madness at UCWS

Dear readers... today was one of those days that started off rocky yet ended in triumph! A bad morning in RL turned into a success in SL! You never know how things are going to turn out so keep your chins up and keep moving forward!

Yes, today was midterms at the University of Classic with Style. And despite a couple of mishaps....

... are you ready?...

WE ALL PASSED!!! WOOOOOT!!! *does the Happy Snoopy Dance* :oD

So now it's on to bigger and better things. Finals are next week but after today's midterms I am confident that we all will pass finals as well. Now is the time to really practice hard and as often as possible!

I am so proud of all of us! And we made our instructors very proud of us as well! I feel giddy as a school girl. lol Here's a few snapshots of midterms. In the words of Will Smith as "J" in MIB.... We made this look good!!

Midterms Styling 1920s Theme

Styling 1920s Theme

Rayne, Kitty, Indi, Phedre, Angel and Baybee

Monday, September 24, 2012

Are We There Yet?

Good afternoon! While I have a few moments before class begins today, I wanted to share a couple of pics I managed to snap during the hectic moments of midterm practice. It's a lot of hard work but it will all pay off in the long run. Midterms are this Thursday and we are all going to pass with flying colors. Yes! We are! Come Graduation Day I just know we are all going to be on that runway with our smiling, shiny faces, so proud of ourselves and what we have accomplished! It will have been a long, hard but oh so rewarding three weeks. And worth every moment of it!

Much like becoming a dancer for a large ballet company, being a model takes learning new routines, new methods and hours upon hours upon hours of practice, practice, practice! That is just what we have been learning at the University of Classic with Style. In addition to learning all the above we have also been learning how to sequence poses, how to blog, what, where and how to look for those little things that can make such a big difference. There is so much more to modeling than just walking down the runway and whipping out a few poses!

I want to take a moment and thank all of our instructors, Debbie, Vicky, Lisana and Laylah, for all their patience and encouragement, insights and a myriad of other things. I also want to thank my classmates for working with me and putting up with my tyranny during our impromptu practice sessions! It was a dirty job but someone had to it! *RUNS!!*

And now for that big group hug I just know you all have been waiting for.... *HUUUGGSS!!* Alright, which one of you was putting the habeaus grabus on me this time?! ;op~ lol  I'm kidding! I'm kidding! You've all been wonderful and I will certainly miss being in class with you all and all the fun we have been having. But all good things must pass and we all will be moving on to bigger and better things! I wish you all much luck in everything you do and will cherish the memories.

Love ya bunches!


Dome Practice Sept 21, 2012
Dome Practice Sept 21, 2012
Dome Practice Sept 21, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Paris Metro Couture Fall Collection at CWS

A few days ago I was given the assignment to blog about today's fashions show for Paris Metro Couture. Being the sometimes devious little mind, I went off to Paris Metro for the first time to do a little "recon". After looking around for a few moments, I came to the conclusion that here was one of the high quality designers of Second Life! Everything I saw was absolutely gorgeous!

I never expected to bump into any of the staff so late in the evening but that is exactly what happened. Who should I happen to meet scattering fall leaves to the four winds in the store but the designer, herself! She was very kind and helpful when I explained to her who I was and why I was there. However, this blog post isn't about Paris Metro's designer... it's about her latest creations! So... on with the show!

Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to present a few of the stunning creations in this year's Paris Metro Couture Fall Collection. Rich colors, exquisite fabrics and patterns, delicate laces and demure ruffles weave masterful combinations to give us these eye catching, breathtaking gowns. From sensuous necklines to silhouette waistlines, the spotlight will be on you!

Elemental Ruby Mermaid Gown
Modeled by Ms sweetyuna Wendel
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
Elemental Silver Earth Gown
Modeled by Ms Tiffani Celestalis
Photo by Mr Steve101 McCullough
Feast French Lace Gown
Modeled by Ms Sidney Abbot
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Frill Of It Gown in Coco
Modeled by Ms Liberty Lighthouse
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Frill Of It Gown in Midnight
Modeled by Ms Nina Brianna
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
Frill Of It Gown in Ruby
Modeled by Ms sweetyuna Wendel
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
Golden Leaf Gown
Modeled by Ms Mesange Acacia
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
Le Linen II Gown
Modeled by Ms DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Pollen des Fleurs Gown in Plum
Modeled by Ms Laylah Lecker
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Silken Mountain Gown in Light Ivy
Modeled by Ms Ascensions
Photo by Mr Steve101 McCullough
So It Shall Be Deep Sea Gown
Modeled by Ms Mesange Acacia
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
Take Flight Gown in Red and Black Bird
Modeled by Ms Ania Lennie
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Wind Swept Leaves Gown in Burnt
Modeled by Ms lisana Rossen
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre


Wind Swept Leaves in Golden
Modeled by Ms DebbieDoo Tigerfish
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

The Peacock's Complaint in Amber
Modeled by Ms Chevia Johansson
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
The Peacock's Complaint in Forest
Modeled by Ms Thrishia Denver
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
The Peacock's Complaint in Rhodolite
Modeled by Ms ladysunfire Erin
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre
The Peacock's Complaint in Silver
Modeled by Ms Liberty Lighthouse
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

The Peacock's Complaint in Sky
Modeled by Ms Nina Brianna
Photo by Ms Phedre Lefevre

Now that you have made it this far, you are likely to be wondering just where is this wonderful place so you can rush right over and purchase some of these fantastic gowns for your very own. Never fear! I have the SLURL right here!

And be sure to check out the Paris Metro Couture blog for more stunningly gorgeous couture!

Enjoy Ladies!


  Author's note: If I have inadvertantly put your name to someone else's face I apologize for the error. Please IM me inworld and let me know so that I can make corrections ASAP.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Styling the Black Swan

Just finished the Black Swan Ballet styling event. I didn't place. In my opinion I totally bombed, mainly because I messed up on my dances. Silly nervous fingers didn't shut off the timer. lol

I did get some very good constructive criticism from our Judge of the Day Ms Vicky Yongbo and I thank you for that. It will go a long way towards helping in the next styling event. :o)

Now, on to the winners. First Place went to Ms Liberty Lighthouse, Second Place was Ms Liv Frentis (go Liv!) and Third Place went to Ms Janet Brink. I'm very proud of Liv today. She is one of my classmates and this was her first styling. All that hard work definately paid off!

A photo of today's winners:

Black Swan Ballet Sytling Winners
Photo Courtesy of CWS

And just for the giggles here are a few photos of my styling of Odile, the Black Swan. All photography was done by myself. I hope you like them!

Thank you for reading my blog. See you all next time!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Alice in Wonderland or Mrs Mad Hatter

Last week, Friday the 14th I participated for the first time in the daily Styling events at CWS. Needless to say I was completely shocked when it was announced that I had actually won First Place! I never expected to even place much less win. The theme was Alice in Wonderland and I went as Mrs Mad Hatter, the idea being based on SyFy's mini-series "Alice". Here is an excerpt from the description I used:

"In the Syfy miniseries "Alice", The Hatter tries to help Alice in her misadventure but she refuses to trust him, even though they are on the same side. Later, Alice realizes that he is worthy of her trust. The two grow very close and eventually fall in love. Then Alice awakens in a hospital to discover she had been found unconscious. Only... what if she never left Wonderland? What would Mrs. Alice Hatter look like now?"

Below is a pic of myself with my trophy(!) along with the second and third place winners, Subrina Bearsfoot and Philippe Byron.

In the immortal words of William Shatner as Captain James Tiberius Kirk, "It was fun!"

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

UCWS and the Blog Class

Here is me, Liv, Bebe, Anastasia and Indi working like mad to create our first blog and blog post for the UCW University Class of September 2012. Aren't we cute? lol There is more to come so check back often and follow me on my journey into the world of modeling in Second Life! Thank you and have a great day! :o)