Thursday, September 27, 2012

Midterm Madness at UCWS

Dear readers... today was one of those days that started off rocky yet ended in triumph! A bad morning in RL turned into a success in SL! You never know how things are going to turn out so keep your chins up and keep moving forward!

Yes, today was midterms at the University of Classic with Style. And despite a couple of mishaps....

... are you ready?...

WE ALL PASSED!!! WOOOOOT!!! *does the Happy Snoopy Dance* :oD

So now it's on to bigger and better things. Finals are next week but after today's midterms I am confident that we all will pass finals as well. Now is the time to really practice hard and as often as possible!

I am so proud of all of us! And we made our instructors very proud of us as well! I feel giddy as a school girl. lol Here's a few snapshots of midterms. In the words of Will Smith as "J" in MIB.... We made this look good!!

Midterms Styling 1920s Theme

Styling 1920s Theme

Rayne, Kitty, Indi, Phedre, Angel and Baybee

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